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How to Grow Stronger, Healthier Nails – According to Dermatologists

Image for How to Grow Stronger, Healthier Nails – According to Dermatologists

While it may be tempting to hide your thin and peeling nails under a permanent gel manicure, there are plenty of lifestyle changes that can restore your nails to their former glory days. Remember, your nails are made up of layers of keratin – the same protein found in your hair and skin. As you age, the cells in your body that produce keratin slow down significantly, which can cause the nails to weaken and appear dry and dull.

It’s not just the aging process that can do a number on our nails, though. Exposure to elements, like extreme cold, excessive hand-washing, or contact with chemicals, can all deplete nail health and leave them dry and vulnerable to more damage. Fortunately, you can take strengthening your nails into your very own hands. (Pun intended!) Here’s what you need to do:

Moisturize your hands and nails regularly.

Frequently moisturizing your nails and the surrounding skin with a hand cream can prevent further impairment of the integrity of your nails. Ointments, such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Vaniply Skin Protectant, pull a double-duty by nourishing your nails and protecting them from future damage. Cuticle oils also help to repair, nourish, and moisturize weak nails!

Keep them on the shorter side.

If you’re having trouble with weak nails, consider cutting down the length while you build up their strength. Shorter nails are less prone to breaking because there are fewer exposed edges to tear and less surface area where water and chemicals can be absorbed. Once trimmed, prevent snags by gently rounding the edges with a nail file. Yes, it’s that easy!

Don’t overdo the hand sanitizer.

Because hand sanitizers are typically alcohol-based, constantly applying the stuff can dry out your nails and leave them super brittle. During the pandemic, it’s easier said than done not to go overboard with hand sanitizer though. Shift your method by using wipes to avoid the nail area during application. If you prefer the liquid variety, make sure to slather on moisturizer afterward to balance the scales.

Eat more foods that promote strong nails.

First off, avoid yo-yo dieting, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies that may put the strength of your nails in jeopardy. Make sure you eat enough protein and calcium, too, which are thought to promote nail health. Loading up on biotin-rich foods, such as veggies, eggs, and nuts, may also help your nails grow to be healthy, strong, and less brittle.

At Windward Place Apartments in Alpharetta, Georgia, we understand your need for an apartment living experience that keeps you in the loop with recipes, health hacks, and wellness tips. That’s why we’re dedicated to keeping you informed of the latest, must-know information.

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